Frigomat PEB 60 LCD
The “PEB LCD” pasteurizers are the result of more than 45 years of Frigomat experience in the field of the artisan gelato laboratories.
This series allows the operator to make a wide range of products: gelato, sorbet and slush bases, puddings, toppings and etc.
The bain-marie mix treatment allows to set the T° up to 90°C (194°F) maintaining the organic characteristics of the products.
The new IES electronic eliminates the phenomenon of the thermal inertia, thanks to a patented system, which allows an extreme working precision at the desired temperatures, reducing the energy consumption.
Automatic no-frost function.
Stainless steel cylinder-block vat.
Outlet spigot with independent washing system for an efficient cleaning after each mix drawing.
High positioned spigot allows the use of big containers.
Quick release steel agitator, fully detachable.
High-precision vat temperature control through a dip probe.
Automatic cycle restart in case of electrical blackout.
Prearrangement for printer connection (optional).
Last cycles’ data record.